Is it very important to know where is the middle?

Sunday tip: set you layout tools for desired angles and don't change it until your project is finished.
My current project is all about different angles. It's gonna be really something or real disaster 😂 Wish me luck.

My momma (@alichann ) got this #bridgecitytoolworks center scribe! I’ve made my own over the years, but this is so much nicer! I love the form-fitted padded boxes (you can spy in the first two photos),

Excited to have this gorgeous little thing. I was lucky enough to win this form the Bridge City Anniversary giveaway. This is their CS-3 sled centering center scribe. Packed with some sweet features like finding dead centers on square and circular stock. This will definitely help with my lathe projects.

I don't think there's anything quite as satisfying as getting to use new tools on a project.