A little behind the scenes action... 🔥 First time I’ve had to sharpen up the iron on this mini beast. She gets put to work on every project. And the honing guide from @bridgecitytoolworks is true craftsmanship ( as well as all their tools ) glad I finally got to use it

@bridge_city_tool_works did it again. Honing guide for my chisels... now i just need my stones and #dovetail will be the name of the game.
@bridge_city_tool_works tool day! Bridge City is having some crazy sales. I’ve invested in some high quality planes and chisels and saw the value in a premium honing guide to be sure the irons are as sharp and safe as they can be. Also, I use M&T joinery frequently so grabbed the TenonMaker for a steal to improve my workflow. Stoked!
And just like that... my collection is already growing Some of the best looking tools that I own... And by far the best packaging that any of my tools have come in
These two Honing Guides are a thing of beauty! These super simple super accurate making honing a fun job . YouTube video out tomorrow in-depth use and review
So someone has been up all night playing with the Bridge City HG-4.
Honing some plane blades today ready for week.