My very first tool of California, @bridge_city_tool_works square TS 2v2 , it’s incredible, how a “square” can be so nice, design is everywhere, i like it. Withdraw: nothing I have made BEFORE is square

us a bit of accuracy, what’s your best square ? For me it’s the @bridge_city_tool_works TS 2v2 !

Latest video is up...here is a sped up cropped version with no voice over or comments BUT you have some music. The @bridge_city_tool_works try square was square OOB but I wanted to show you how I would go about re-squaring it should it ever become knocked out of square. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make a quick video for BCTW. Enjoy.

Daddy got a new toy

Got a little trim job on the bench today, with a Fireplace edging/extension. I picked up this piece of Tulipwood from @thewoodyard101 in the week and now it’s time for some sawing and gluing, & giving the new @bridge_city_tool_works square a run out.

loving this trisquare from my friends @bridge_city_tool_works and @harveywoodworking It will find a permanent home in my personal hand tool kit. many thanks guys, this is the level of fit and finish everything should be.